App updated Dec, 2016

Endangered Species Act consultation explorer

Selection criteria

Select your favorite state, species, work type, lead agency, and formal vs. informal consultations from drop-downs at left; graphs and maps will update automatically. You may select more than one category to filter on. For example, if you're just interested in bull trout in Idaho and for projects involving the Forest Service, then you may select each of those criteria (or any others as you see fit).

Click the + in the box below to reveal additional selectors.

Additional selectors

These additional selectors may be useful for digging deeper into the section 7 data.

Total # consultations

Number formal consultations

Median days to approval (all)

Median days to approval (formal)

Consultations by fiscal year

Consultations by state

Five New England states and parts of Iowa and Illinois are each covered by a single FWS office. See table for consultation counts of these groups of states.

Consultations by work category (top 20)

Consultation duration

The full range of duration values is trimmed to make the graph more readable. Note that long duration (>135 days) may be caused by consultation reinitiation (see Sec. 7 background page) rather than a single, long-running consultation.

Consultations by agency (top 25)

Agencies in the database may include either the federal action agency or the applicant. The plotted values are therefore lower limits to the number of consultations by federal agencies.

Consultations by species (top 50)

App updated Dec, 2016

Endangered Species Act consultation explorer

Compare two selections

Selection #1

Selection #2


Additional selectors

Selection #1

Selection #2

Selection #1

Selection #2

Total no. consultations

Number formal consultations

Total no. consultations

Number formal consultations

Median days to approval (all)

Median days to approval (formal)

Median days to approval (all)

Median days to approval (formal)

Consultations through time: Selection 1

Consultations through time: Selection 2

Consultations by state: Selection 1

Five New England states and parts of Iowa and Illinois are each covered by a single FWS office. See table for consultation counts of these groups of states.

Consultations by state: Selection 2

Five New England states and parts of Iowa and Illinois are each covered by a single FWS office. See table for consultation counts of these groups of states.

Consultations by species (top 25): Selection 1

Consultations by species (top 25): Selection 2

Consultation duration: Selection 1

The full range of duration values is trimmed to make the graph more readable. Note that long duration (>135 days) may be caused by consultation reinitiation (see Sec. 7 background page) rather than a single, long-running consultation.

Consultation duration: Selection 2

The full range of duration values is trimmed to make the graph more readable. Note that long duration (>135 days) may be caused by consultation reinitiation (see Sec. 7 background page) rather than a single, long-running consultation.

Consultations by work category: Selection 1

Consultations by work category: Selection 2

Consultations by agency: Selection 1

Consultations by agency: Selection 2

Endangered Species Act consultation explorer: FWS Office Map

Selection criteria