If There Ever Were a Time to Pay Attention to Science, It Would Be Now

If There Ever Were a Time to Pay Attention to Science, It Would Be Now

If There Ever Were a Time to Pay Attention to Science, It Would Be Now

If There Ever Were a Time to Pay Attention to Science, It Would Be Now

Today, like everyone around the world, we are watching the coronavirus pandemic unfold and affect millions of lives. We don’t yet know how this is all going to play out, but as numbers of cases escalate in every state, we have been witnessing significant problems with the federal response. Scientists, from epidemiologists to public health experts, are being sidelined in favor of messaging. Fundamental institutions that should be equipped to help society manage the situation are unprepared as a result of decades of neglect and recent hostility to government and science. This at a time when science and governance matter a great deal. Read more about the importance of science and governance here.

Jacob Malcom
Previous Director

As the previous Director in the Center for Conservation Innovation at Defenders, Jacob led CCI’s work at the intersection of science, technology, and policy to improve conservation outcomes, especially for threatened and endangered species.