Innovation Ready for Launch: Conservationist.io

Innovation Ready for Launch: Conservationist.io
Imagine you’re soaring along, high above the Earth, your nearly 10-foot wingspan essential for staying aloft for hours at a time as you look for food. As a California condor, you know where you live - in the state that bears your name, around the Grand Canyon and up into Utah - but there’s a challenge. The people who help ensure your species’ survival - biologists in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, researchers in universities, members of the interested public - need to know where you live too. In order to do their work, they have to scour different databases, ask people for personal sightings, and find information spread across different sources. Getting all that information together so people can connect the dots, make and agree on a range map, and focus conservation efforts on protecting the proper habitat is essential so you can focus on your next meal. Conservationists face many complex challenges like understanding where condors live, how to monitor habitat at large scales and much more. Click here to read more about the suite of tools that can be found on the platform, Conservationist.io .