Blog posts

Blog posts

CCI posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End

Blog posts

Blog posts

CCI posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End

1 min read

In addition to our scientific, technical, and policy publications, CCI regularly writes posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End. We collect those posts here.

Blog posts

Section by Section: Dismantling the ESA?

Signed by President Nixon in 1973, the ESA protects threatened and endangered species and their habitats, safeguarding the species from extinction. Unfortunately, some of these protections may soon be stripped away or weakened, leaving threatened and …
Blog posts

Where the (ESA-listed) Wild Things Are

Do you ever wonder where southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis; threatened) live? Or which threatened and endangered species live in your neck of the woods (or plains or desert)? The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service makes this information …
Blog posts

Intrastate Species and the Endangered Species Act

What do polar bears and Florida panthers, plants like the Arizona cliffrose and large-flowered fiddleneck and lesser-known species like Smith's blue butterfly and Tar River spinymussel have in common? They are threatened or endangered species that …