Blog posts

Blog posts

CCI posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End

Blog posts

Blog posts

CCI posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End

1 min read

In addition to our scientific, technical, and policy publications, CCI regularly writes posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End. We collect those posts here.

Blog posts

Scientists Declare Border Wall a Disaster for Biodiversity

Consensus is rare in science, yet the irreparable harm of a 2,000-mile barrier on wildlife is so assured that more than 2,700 scientists from 43 countries joined together to ask U.S. political leaders to reconsider the Trump administration's 'big, …
Blog posts

Water from Desert Air: Tracking Emerging Innovations

At the Center for Conservation Innovation (CCI) at Defenders of Wildlife, we're always keeping our eyes, ears, and brains open to emerging ideas that may affect (positively or negatively) conservation, especially in fields outside of biology. …
Blog posts

Virtually Exploring the U.S.

Join one of our CCI interns in virtually traveling across the continental United States collecting satellite imagery for a new tool that's in development!
Blog posts

Saving One of America's Rarest Lizards

You've probably never heard of the dunes sagebrush lizard. It's one of the rarest lizards in North America and facing ever-growing danger. On Tuesday, after months of research and analysis, we petitioned the federal government to protect the lizard …
Blog posts

It's Challenge Time! Get Out for Nature

About this time a year ago, I took a couple days off from work in my job as the Senior Endangered Species Analyst for Defenders of Wildlife. Instead of being in downtown Washington, DC, working on science and policy for threatened and endangered …
Blog posts

Why I March for Science

Science is my superpower. I discovered this early on as a child, when I found I could solve life's mysteries by simply wielding the scientific method. Be it gravity, photosynthesis or particle physics, I could out-fact even the smartest parent with …
Blog posts

Bees and Bears and Kids, Oh My!

Through a great program called Skype-a-Scientist, created by a graduate student at the University of Connecticut, about 30 sixth-graders and I Skyped about science, the conservation of bees and bears, and renewable energy and buildings.
Blog posts

Survey Shines Spotlight on Government's Treatment of Science

Federal scientists are being surveyed about the current status of scientific integrity across federal agencies. Given the Trump administration's abysmal treatment of science, this survey is a crucial step in knowing what's happening within federal …
Blog posts

World Wildlife Day

Today is World Wildlife Day! On March 3rd of every year, we celebrate the date that the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wildlife Flora and Fauna (CITES) was signed. This international agreement is the foundation for the …
Blog posts

Quickening the Countdown to Extinction for Canada Lynx

Last week the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced its recommendation to remove Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for the threatened Canada lynx in the Lower 48 States. This recommendation dodges the court order requiring the FWS to …