Tracking Emerging Innovations: Aerial Vehicles with Force

Tracking Emerging Innovations: Aerial Vehicles with Force

Tracking Emerging Innovations: Aerial Vehicles with Force

Tracking Emerging Innovations: Aerial Vehicles with Force

Out on a mountainside in Hawaii are a bunch of snails we’re concerned about. Some we’re concerned about because their numbers have dwindled far too low to be sure they are buffered against extinction. Others are invasive species, such as the African giant land snails that compete with the Oahu snails, and predatory snails like the rosy wolf snail that eat the native snails. How to address the invasive snails–and many other invasive species, from plants to rats–is a huge, unanswered challenge that you can read about here .

Jacob Malcom
Previous Director

As the previous Director in the Center for Conservation Innovation at Defenders, Jacob led CCI’s work at the intersection of science, technology, and policy to improve conservation outcomes, especially for threatened and endangered species.