
Refining species range maps for improved implementation of the ESA image.

Refining species range maps for improved implementation of the ESA

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is often considered the strongest law in the world for protecting imperiled species. However, there are inefficiencies that limit its effectiveness, including limitations in the resolution and accuracy of spatial …
The Endangered Species Act: Successes, Shortcomings, and the Future image.

The Endangered Species Act: Successes, Shortcomings, and the Future

The ESA is the strongest law in the world for protecting imperiled species. So why do some species recover under its protection while others continue to struggle? What is the ESA doing well, and where might we allocate resources to make it even …
EPA Draft Revised Method for National-level Endangered Species Risk Assessments image.

EPA Draft Revised Method for National-level Endangered Species Risk Assessments

In May 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published its proposal to update the protocol for conducting national-level risk assessments for endangered species for the pesticides it registers under FIFRA. We identified several pages of …
Testimony to House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife, 22 May 2019 image.

Testimony to House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife, 22 May 2019

In May 2019, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released its of the forthcoming Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service. Over 450 expert authors and contributors …
Women in the Outdoors Panel image.

Women in the Outdoors Panel

Wild Wilderness Women, Endangered Species Protection Network, and Mappy Hour are excited to join forces to bring to you a 'Women in the Outdoors Panel.' Come join us at Arc'teryx to hear from three amazing women who are contributing in …
Conservation Cartography: From Patagonia to Sounds of the Wild West image.

Conservation Cartography: From Patagonia to Sounds of the Wild West

As we move out of the information age and into the attention age, conservation organizations need new tools to tell their story, stand out in the crowd, and connect with their audience. ...
Funding needs of the Endangered Species Act image.

Funding needs of the Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act is widely considered the strongest law in the world for protecting threatened and endangered species; indeed, over 95% of listed species are still with us today. Yet the law has been dramatically underfunded for decades, …
Eye in the Sky: The use of innovative SAR technology and new GIS tools to aid environmental compliance and monitoring. image.

Eye in the Sky: The use of innovative SAR technology and new GIS tools to aid environmental compliance and monitoring.

Eye is the Sky will provide an overview of imaging technology and how it has been used in environmental litigation. The panel will also seek to address why state and federal environmental regulatory agencies have been slow to embrace these …
Dynamic recovery planning and technology application image.

Dynamic recovery planning and technology application

Defenders of Wildlife has been collaborating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Defense on a program to make ESA recovery plans web-based and dynamic. Here I describe progress on the project and new directions of our work.
What bear hair can tell us about how black bears live among human development image.

What bear hair can tell us about how black bears live among human development

Black bears are more and more frequently found living close to people, raising important questions about how these large mammals adapt to human dominated landscapes. Do bears prefer rural forests, or living in the suburbs? Where are they likely to …