Blog posts

Blog posts

CCI posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End

Blog posts

Blog posts

CCI posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End

1 min read

In addition to our scientific, technical, and policy publications, CCI regularly writes posts for Defenders’ blog, Wild Without End. We collect those posts here.

Blog posts

The Science of Human-Wildlife Coexistence

This year, our Year of Coexistence has led you through stories about Defenders’ work to support the sharing of landscapes between people and wildlife. When these landscapes contain cattle or sheep, Defenders’ efforts center around using non-lethal …
Blog posts

Working the World Over for Species Protections

About one million species are threatened with extinction. Over 75% of terrestrial environments and 66% of marine environments have been significantly altered by humans. Most 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets will be missed. These are the numbers and …
Blog posts

Saving the Sounds

To solve some of the greatest conservation challenges for wildlife, sometimes all we need to do is listen.
Blog posts

Automated Change Detection: A Solution for ESA Monitoring

As we move into winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the days shorten and the temperature drops, your thoughts might turn to warmer, sunnier places. Ah, yes, a place like Puerto Rico! Tropical breezes, wonderful beaches, and—at the fore of our …
Blog posts

Mapping Conservation Success

At Defenders of Wildlife, one of our main sources of motivation is the success stories in conservation. Success and optimism come from many places: the information we share that positively influences policy, the groups of people we mobilize to …
Blog posts

Soft (Artificial) Muscles for Conservation

'Don't worry, you're young... you'll bounce!'
Blog posts

Keeping a Keen Eye on Endangered Species Listing Decisions

If you are a dendrophile - a tree lover - you'd be enthralled by the yellow cedar, a towering tree species found throughout Southeast Alaska and coastal British Columbia, among stunning temperate rainforest. Most yellow cedars live around 500 to 700 …
Blog posts

Why Do Wildlife Cross the Road? ...Because It Cuts Through Their Habitat!

Roads present challenges to the protection of species, their natural habitats, and their unimpeded movement across landscapes, which is why Defenders of Wildlife is very active in reducing the impact that roads have on wildlife survival. Our nation's …
Blog posts

As Go the Forests, So Go the Colors

Around this time of year, people across the country take to the forests to appreciate nature and observe the awesome display of colors that come over the leaves before trees become bare (and we bundle up!) for the winter. Deciduous forests contain …
Blog posts

Turn Right at the T. Rex

'Just walk past the beach volleyball court and turn right at the T. rex.' These were the directions given to us geospatial scientists as soon as we arrived on Google's campus for the Geo for Good Summit. We were there to take a deep dive into the …