CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.


Testimony, seminars, and other talks from CCI

CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.


Testimony, seminars, and other talks from CCI

The Center for Conservation Innovation participates in talks outside of Defenders of Wildlife, including conferences, university lectures, and Congressional testimonies. Discover those here!

CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Funding needs of the Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act is widely considered the strongest law in the world for protecting threatened and endangered species; indeed, over 95% of listed species are still with us today. Yet the law has been dramatically underfunded for decades, …
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Eye in the Sky: The use of innovative SAR technology and new GIS tools to aid environmental compliance and monitoring.

Eye is the Sky will provide an overview of imaging technology and how it has been used in environmental litigation. The panel will also seek to address why state and federal environmental regulatory agencies have been slow to embrace these …
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Dynamic recovery planning and technology application

Defenders of Wildlife has been collaborating with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Defense on a program to make ESA recovery plans web-based and dynamic. Here I describe progress on the project and new directions of our work.
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

What bear hair can tell us about how black bears live among human development

Black bears are more and more frequently found living close to people, raising important questions about how these large mammals adapt to human dominated landscapes. Do bears prefer rural forests, or living in the suburbs? Where are they likely to …
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Refined range mapping for improved ESA implementation

Understanding where species are found is a critical component of avoiding and minimizing the impacts of our actions on imperiled species. Here I describe an ongoing project focused on improving range maps for ESA-listed species, and relevance to ESA …
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Introduction to the ESA

The Endangered Species Act is widely considered the strongest law in the world for protecting imperiled species. We will discuss the ESA at length, with a particular focus on implementation.
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Conservation at the Intersection of Science, Technology, and Policy

The Center for Conservation Innovation was established in Defenders of Wildlife in early 2017 in recognition of the need to have a team focused on science, technology, and policy to advance conservation. We were born out of the Endangered Species …
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Panel Discussion on Interdisciplinary Pathways

Panelists Dr. Jennie Miller, Dr. Jonathan Kramer, Dr. Rebeca Lave and Dr. Rita Mesquita will discuss how to bridge diverse perspectives across disciplines and how their career pathways have benefited from synthesizing methods, frameworks and …
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Conservation innovation with the Department of Defense

Department of Defense lands are essential to species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Along with panelists from the federal government, state governments, private industry, I discuss how Defenders is partnering with DOD for conservation.
CCI's Mike Evans presenting to students.

Improving the quantitative analysis of data related to recovery programs

Recovery is a key goal of the Endangered Species Act, yet relatively little is known about the status of recovery planning. Here, we report on the completeness, age, and other vital statistics about ESA recovery plans, as well as ways to advance …